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Coffin HC Vol 10th Ann Ed

Phil Hester (w) Mike Huddleston (a & c) The legendary cult classic returns to print in this deluxe hardcover tenth anniversary edition. Dr. Ashar Ahmad is a brilliant but heartless scientist intent on proving the physical existence of the soul, going as far as to create an impenetrable cybernetic skin that will trap the human soul after the body within has died-a walking coffin. Only when a dying Ahmad is encased in one of his prototypes does he realize the value of the life he has wasted. A desperate race to reclaim his technology from an evil corporate overlord, and save the life of the daughter he once disavowed, force him to become the man he never was in life. An amazing combination of science fiction, horror, and spiritual awakening, The Coffin is one of the classics of independent comics.
Author / Artist:
Phil Hester
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